
剧院 & 电影主要

School of Arts and Sciences



表演的技巧, 设计的艺术, 导演的细微差别是那些非常关心故事并认识到影响戏剧的学生的追求, 电视, and video can have on shaping our world view.

Building on a well-rounded foundation of core courses, 你可以从两个专业领域中选择,专注于你的戏剧学位:

Collaborating closely with instructors, 康考迪亚的戏剧系是一个紧密结合的社区,将培养你在表演或制作方面的个人成长,并让你在实践中学习. 戏剧专业的学生有机会成为每季五部完整作品的一部分. 有着大胆的传统, 艺术作品, 康考迪亚学生的作品经常在肯尼迪中心美国大学戏剧节上得到认可, as well as within the community, 并获得宝贵的经验,以追求研究生或直接工作在表演艺术.


Where our Alumni Are Working

我们的 剧院 & 电影毕业生 are 工作ing in the industry. Here are some additional highlights.

  • 迪斯尼乐园
  • 环球影城
  • 迪斯尼世界
  • 犹他州莎士比亚戏剧节
  • Pfinix创意工作室
  • GoButton作品
  • 迪士尼高清频道
  • Segerstrom Center for the Performing Arts
  • 奈德秀
  • Theatricum Botanicum
  • 两河剧院
  • North Coast Repertory 剧院
  • 新村艺术
  • 圣地亚哥边缘艺术节
  • 好莱坞边缘艺术节
  • 机会剧院
  • South Coast Repertory Theater
  • 想象机器
  • 凤凰剧院
  • Pagosa Springs Center for the Arts
  • 唐尼市民剧院
  • 网飞公司
  • CollegeHumor
  • 洛杉矶歌剧院
  • 长滩歌剧
  • 歌剧太平洋
  • 文化项目(纽约)
  • KCRA / KQCA电视
  • 布里格斯歌剧院
  • Missoula Children’s 剧院
  • 神的出现的电影

戏剧的机会 & 电影专业

剧院 & 电影系希望为我们的学生提供大量的机会来获得表演艺术方面的经验. 我们的大学,剧院 & 电影部门, 与我们周围社区的关系为你提供了在课堂外练习表演艺术的机会.


作为剧院 & Film major, you can combine your degree with a related minor, or double major. Expand your worldview by studying abroad, or transition to graduate school.


  • 加州州立大学圣贝纳迪诺分校
  • Cal State Fullerton - Department of Cinema & 电视艺术
  • Dodge College of Film and Media Arts at Chapman University
  • National University of Ireland Galway
  • Northern Illinois University School of 剧院 & 跳舞
  • NYU - Tisch School of the Arts
  • NYU - Steinhardt School for Education in the Arts
  • 瑞金特大学
  • Sarah Lawrence College MFA 剧院 Program
  • Southern Utah University - 犹他州莎士比亚戏剧节
  • University of North Carolina School of the Arts
  • University of North Carolina School of the Arts (Film Production)


剧院为你提供了很多参与校园活动的机会, 俱乐部, 和组织. 我们的学生还经常与其他大学的表演艺术学生参加全国比赛(并取得优异成绩).


剧院 majors can apply to do a senior project. 康科迪亚与南加州的许多组织有着良好的工作关系. Below are just a few examples of where our students have interned.

  • 机会剧院
  • Actors 剧院 of Louisville
  • 拉霍亚剧场
  • 迪斯尼公司
  • 犹他州莎士比亚戏剧节





愚蠢的提议 actors preparing for a performance






Two actors performing a scene on stage




在康考迪亚, 你将受益于一套多样的核心课程,在文科的背景下,让你追求你的职业. You can choose to focus your degree in a specialized area of emphasis. 康考迪亚大学的戏剧和电影课程也有辅助课程, such as dance classes and private voice lessons from our Music department.

  • 剧院 & 电影样本课程
  • THR 251: Introduction to 剧院
  • 3
This course will provide an overview of the various conventions, 形式, 风格, 以及戏剧的类型, 包括戏剧分析原理和从戏剧角度探讨戏剧批评, 文学, 并通过对当代代表性戏剧的主题讨论来探讨文化视角. 需要实地考察.
  • THR 261:代理
  • 3
As an introduction to basic acting techniques, students will examine ways to construct the interior, 物理, and vocal life of a character, 学习热身程序, 以及分期原则, including experiences in scene analysis, 独白表演, 和临时措施. Field trips may be included. Prerequisite: THR 251 or consent of instructor.
  • THR 311: Introduction to 技术生产
  • 3
Through hands-on experiences, 本课程将介绍戏剧设计原理的实际应用,包括技术组织的技巧和实践, 设置建设, 照明的准备, 服装结构, 化妆品的应用程序, 做好充分准备. Field trips and participation in on-campus production 工作 required. A lab fee of $50 is required for this course. Prerequisite: THR 251 or consent of instructor.
  • THR 321: Introduction to Theatrical 设计
  • 3
As an introduction to the theories and principles of theatrical design, this course will emphasize the holistic and scenographic approach, 在Explore场景时, 照明, 服装, 化妆, and sound design with director/designer collaboration. Field trips and participation in on-campus production 工作 required. A lab fee of $50 is required. Prerequisite: THR 251 or consent of instructor.
  • THR 351:播放方向1
  • 3
本课程将向学生介绍以下技巧:游戏选择和分析, 试镜, 场景设计与舞台, 演员指导, 彩排的策略, 生产管理, including both the principles for proscenium and the open stage. Workshop scenes are presented and evaluated. Prerequisites: THR 251, 261 and 262, or consent of instructor.
  • THR 390: Practicum: 剧院
  • 2
一个实际的, 实践学习经验,学生将在一个或多个戏剧系作品中工作. Earned in one-unit increments.


For more information about the 剧院 major at Concordia University Irvine, we invite you to contact us directly.

剧院 & 电影部门
(949) 214-3425


Take a peek at what goes on behind the scenes.

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